9 Essential Features for a Bounding Box Annotation Tool

What makes a good bounding box annotation tool? Take a look at our cherry-picked list of nine essential features that every bounding box tool should offer.
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July 6, 2021
Bounding box annotations of construction workers and PPE using V7

There are plenty of image annotation platforms out there, and a bounding box tool seems like a simple enough functionality.

But here’s the thing—

The accuracy and quality of your bounding boxes define your model performance, and you may need millions of these to build the most accurate model to market within your use case.

Have you taken the time to consider every feature that will help you achieve this?

We spoke to hundreds of teams labeling data with bounding boxes and listed (plus implemented at V7) features that we believe every bounding box annotation tool should offer:

But before exploring each feature more in-depth, let’s quickly discuss bounding box annotation basics.

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Bounding box annotations

 A bounding box  is an imaginary rectangle drawn around the object that describes its spatial  location. It’s the most basic tool used for  object detection  and localization tasks.

Here’s how you can perform bounding box annotations using V7.

Annotating with bounding boxes in V7

 Bounding box annotations contain the coordinates with information about where  the object is located in the image or the video. They are suitable for  uniformly shaped objects, low-compute projects, and objects that don’t  overlap.

 V7 allows you to draw bounding boxes with pixel-perfect precision, add  attributes, copy-paste boxes of similar size, interpolate them in the video,  and easily convert polygon masks to bounding boxes.

Easy Class Creation

The first thing to look out for is your class structure.

Making a box is easy, but—

How is that data stored?

 ‍Classes are the names of objects in a dataset. If you’re  building a service to detect dents and scratches, you will  want to make sure these two entries can be reused in new projects, or branched  out hierarchically as your data grows.

Here are a few must-have functionalities:

  • Bounding box classes can be used across projects.
  •    Class creation has a simple enough interface to be used by non-technical    users.  
  • You can add at least 1 thumbnail to represent the object.
  • You can add a description or instructions for this class.
  • You can assign it a hotkey.

Below is the class creation experience on V7.

 We kept our design language consistent and added rich info tooltips to inform  users of what each functionality does because we understand that not everyone  is familiar with  computer vision  terminology.

Bounding box annotation class creation in V7
Bounding box description and thumbnail in V7

Boxes that feel good—Responsive interactions

 Prior to building V7, we tested several bounding box tools in the market and  found that most didn’t prioritize interaction design.

 Placing and editing millions of bounding boxes requires a very smooth user  experience.

Here are the things to look out for:

  •    Are the corners and edges of boxes easy to move and adjust? Does this    smoothness persist when images are full of annotations?  
  •    Are their coordinates sub-pixel accurate? Is this reflected in the export    files?  
  • Are they easy to interact with on touch interfaces?
  •    Was the cursor designed to “snap” to corners to facilitate speedy edits?  
Bounding box responsive interaction design in V7

Video interpolation

 V7 supports videos and a number of series-like data like volumetric MRI or CT  scans or time-lapses.

 All of these allow you to interpolate boxes throughout a sequence smoothly.

 We  spent six months  prototyping our  video annotation features to  ensure a seamless video labeling experience. We wanted an experience that  required minimal tweaks on the timeline, automatically generating keyframes  where you can edit boxes manually or using models.

Video interpolation in v7

 We’ve also separated position keyframes with  attribute keyframes, allowing bounding boxes to gain or lose  attributes or other sub-annotations throughout the video as part of the same  instance.

Seperate position keyframes for bounding box annotations in V7

Here are a few things to look out for:

  •    Do bounding boxes interpolate, or alternatively, do they track objects?

 💡 Note: Tracking in image annotation isn’t as good as it may  sound initially. Trackers focus on individual features (usually at the center  of an object) while bounding boxes rely on the  edges of an object being pixel perfect. Therefore, they can create  more work than necessary and you might need to adjust box edges for each  frame.

  • Do bounding boxes preserve their instance ID throughout the video?
  •    Can you add attributes in the video, and can they have keyframes so they can    be switched on and off temporally?  

 Most importantly: Is the video system frame accurate?

 HTML5 video players aren’t, they can have errors of up to 200ms. Most video  labeling tools rely on browser-based video players, resulting in the exported  box timecode not matching with the original files. This can happen at any  point throughout a video and is most prevalent in CCTV.

V7 Go interface
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Copy-paste, and other power user shortcuts

Got a few similar objects to annotate using bounding boxes?

 Copy-pasting your boxes can be very handy at speeding up your  annotation process. It also ensures that your annotations are consistent for the same objects  located in different areas of an image or a video.

Are hotkeys a priority in your annotation tool?

 Your labeling team should attempt to turn everyone into a power user. Keyboard  shortcuts are a good way to  get more training data  and less fatigue (which leads to some of the hardest  training data errors  to spot).

Power user hotkeys in V7

 Shortcuts to consider are switching classes, cycling between boxes, or points  in a box. V7 also offers keyboard shortcuts for moving annotations and moving  individual points of boxes.

Copy-paste keyboard shortcuts in V7
Changing bounding boxes size using hotkeys in V7

 Some projects might require you to copy all your annotations from one image to  another. It often happens when your dataset images are sequential.

 We added a button on V7 to carry over annotations from one image to another.

Copy-pasting annotations from one image to another in one click in V7

Here are things to look out for in power user shortcuts:

  • Can you copy/paste boxes?
  • Can you only paste attributes from one box to another?  
  • Can you switch between any class without needing to switch from keyboard to    mouse?  
  • Can you cycle between bounding boxes to quickly perform a quality review    using a single key and camera controls?  
  • Can you edit the size and position of boxes using your keyboard?

 We’ve added a handy list of shortcuts on every page and append each next to a  button to encourage learning them while using the platform with a mouse.

V7 list of keyboard shortcuts

Bounding boxes attributes and other sub-annotations

 Attributes are simply annotation tags that can define the specific features of  a given object.

 Many object detection projects require labelers to add label attributes on top  of the bounding box annotation—it helps describe a given object in greater  detail.

 For example, it’s common to add label attributes such as  occluded, truncated, and crowded, indicating that annotated objects  are in close relationship with other objects in the image.

 V7 allows you to add attributes to your  bounding box annotations. You can annotate an image and add as many tags as you need to describe an  object on a much more granular level.

 We also included the ability to add other sub-annotation types, such as free  text, directional vector, a custom ID (used in object re-identification,  multi-camera setups, or other edge cases), and there are many more to come.

Here are things to watch out for in sub annotations:

  • Can you add attributes to bounding boxes
  •    Are attributes re-usable in other classes (in other words, do they become    entries as part of that class right away?)  
  •    Can attributes be inserted easily and is there keyboard shortcut support for    them? (attribute application accounts for >50% of most bounding box    labeling projects)  
  •    Are other sub-annotation types similarly designed to support shortcuts?  
  • Can you easily remove attributes during the review?
  •    Can you edit them once they are created, and do these changes propagate to    the whole dataset?

 💡 Note: A few annotation tools have  dataset management capabilities, which means that if you make a change to an attribute or class name after  creating it, you might have to go and propagate the change to every annotation  file using a script to avoid breaking changes.

 This can be incredibly frustrating, so it's always best to invest in a dataset  management solution before you start any labeling project.

Bounding box attributes and sub-annotations in V7

Visibility options for bounding boxes

Drawing and editing boxes are one part of the challenge.


How easily can you see them and the image below them?


 V7 was built to have every annotation with an editable Z-value, You simply  have to drag an annotation to reorder it.

V7 Z-stack for changing annotations' order

 The same can be done in the video timeline, with an option to automatically  adjust this order to save vertical space.

 This one is especially useful when you have hundreds of annotations—such as in  sports analytics.

V7 Z-Stack for a timeline in video annotations

Image Manipulation Options

 You can also adjust the box opacity, border opacity, and visual features of  the image.

 V7 also has windowing and color map options, which allow you to see elements  of the image not visible by the naked eye in regular RGB monitors.

Image manipulation options in V7

 In the example above, this x-ray has over 6,000 units of greyscale color per  pixel, whilst our monitors can only display 255.

 💡 Pro tip: Check out  Medical Image Annotation  using V7.

How many annotations can it handle?

 Most JavaScript libraries aren’t made to handle the scale that AI projects  bring to the table.

 Make sure that your tool is tested for performance when hundreds of bounding  boxes enter the scene. This is especially important in videos where  annotations must be kept in memory to ensure smooth playback.

 At V7 we established our maximum at 10,000 per image. It’s the highest in the  market by an order of magnitude. The same goes for polygons and other  annotation types.

 The GIF below shows over 500 polygons with over 50 coordinate points each.

V7 is handling up to 10000 annotations per image.

 You can technically add more than 10,000 annotations per frame on V7 but will  start seeing performance issues unless your machine is top-notch.

Here are things to consider:

  • How many boxes per image can the tool handle?
  •    What happens if the boxes all contain attributes, does the limit change?  
  •    Have you tested the platform on a video or a high-resolution image when    there are hundreds of boxes in the scene?  
  • What features start to perform poorly when images become very busy?
 💡 Pro tip: Ready to train your models? Have a look at  Mean Average Precision (mAP) Explained: Everything You Need to Know.

Converting other annotations to Bounding Boxes

 Some annotation formats such as COCO expect a bounding box to be around each  polygon. Models like Mask R-CNN also benefit from this detector/segmenter  approach.

We give you this option out of the box.

 Since it’s easy to make polygons on V7 using  Auto-Annotate, you  can export these as bounding boxes.

Converting annotations to bounding boxes in V7

 Moreover, you won’t have to make a box “around” a polygon, you can simply draw  a polygon and use its “free” surrounding box to  train a detector.

API functionalities and common bugs to watch out for

 Ultimately, nothing can be more dangerous than a tool you commit to and  encounter breaking bugs in its API halfway through your project.

 Here are the most common bugs, or feature failures that we’ve encountered  across  image annotation tools, in order of frequency:

  •    The coordinates of imported boxes don’t align perfectly with the source    image.  
  •    The tool doesn’t support common computer vision annotation formats or    requires them to be modified.  
  • You cannot export past a certain number of images in one go.
  •    When a class or attribute is edited, these no longer show up in exports or    their changes don’t propagate throughout a dataset.  
  •    When datasets become really large, database failures cause images to lose    their annotations randomly.  
  •    Annotation histories are not preserved, therefore old versions cannot be    restored in case of bad bulk changes.  
  • The API doesn’t have a set of easy CLI commands.
  • You cannot import annotations into videos.
  • The bounding box coordinates round to the wrong pixel.

 These are all issues we’ve heard of at least once from customers who were  switching from their internal tools or other labeling platforms.

Previously CEO at Aipoly - First smartphone engine for convolutional neural networks. Management & Stats grad at Cass Business School and Singularity University. Never had a real job.

“Collecting user feedback and using human-in-the-loop methods for quality control are crucial for improving Al models over time and ensuring their reliability and safety. Capturing data on the inputs, outputs, user actions, and corrections can help filter and refine the dataset for fine-tuning and developing secure ML solutions.”
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