V7 Ethics and Supplier Code of Conduct Statement

Last modified June 6, 2020
No Previous Versions available


V7 Ltd is committed to the use of artificial intelligence in areas of meaningful and positive impact. We understand that this resource may also be effectively used to cause harm, and that its ultimate application reflects itself onto V7 as a supplier of said resource. It is important for us, both strategically and ethically, to make known the ares where we believe our products may be used against the principles that inspired the founding of this company.

Ethical use of V7 artificial intelligence resources

With limited access to knowing of what customers may use V7's AI resources for, we hereby list a number of application areas where further vetting may be requested before the sale of our products and services can be completed:

  1. Weapons targeting systems.
  2. Surveillance within correctional facilities or detention centers.
  3. Surveillance within locations where privacy is expected.
  4. Surveillance of underage labour, forced labour, or human trafficking.
  5. Impersonation of individuals, whether real or fake, for the purpose of advertising or deception.
  6. Recognition of physical traits for the purpose of targeted discrimination.
  7. The handling or disposal of environmentally damaging waste.
  8. The research or manufacturing of items restricted by the UN CCWC or OPCW CWC.

Customer Vetting

Prospective customers who explicitly indicate or are suspected of lawfully operating within the use cases above may need to supply V7 with additional written information on the intended use of our AI resources. V7 reserves the right, to its discretion, to refuse a sale of our products or services should a prospective customer's reported intended use case fall within these areas without a justified scientific, regulated, investigative, or ethically constructed goal.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Fair Treatment

Suppliers shall commit to a workplace free of harassment. Suppliers shall not threaten workers with or subject them to harsh or inhumane treatment, including sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental coercion, physical coercion, verbal abuse, or unreasonable restrictions on entering or exiting company-provided facilities. Suppliers shall prohibit harassment and unlawful discrimination in the workplace.

Prevention of Involuntary Labor and Human Trafficking

Suppliers shall not traffic in persons or use any form of slave, forced, bonded, indentured, or prison labor. This includes the transportation, harboring, recruitment, transfer, or receipt of persons by means of threat, force, coercion, abduction, fraud, or payments to any person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation. All work must be voluntary and workers shall be free to leave work or terminate their employment with reasonable notice. Workers must not be required to surrender any government-issued identification, passports, or work permits as a condition of employment. Suppliers shall ensure that third-party agencies providing workers are compliant with the provisions of the Code and the laws of the sending and receiving countries, whichever is more stringent in its protection of workers. Suppliers shall ensure that contracts for both direct and contract workers clearly convey the conditions of employment in a language understood by the worker. Where workers are required to pay a fee in connection with obtaining employment, Suppliers shall be responsible for payment of all fees and expenses in excess of the amount of one month of the worker’s anticipated net wages. Such fees and expenses include, but are not limited to, expenses associated with recruitment, processing, or placement of both direct and contract workers.

Prevention of Underage Labor

Child labor is strictly prohibited. Suppliers shall not employ children. The minimum age for employment or work shall be 15 years of age, the minimum age for employment in that country, or the age for completing compulsory education in that country, whichever is higher. This Code does not prohibit participation in legitimate workplace apprenticeship programs that are consistent with Article 6 of ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138 or light work consistent with Article 7 of ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138.

Juvenile Worker Protections

Suppliers may employ juveniles who are older than the applicable legal minimum age for employment but are younger than 18 years of age, provided they do not perform work likely to jeopardize their heath, safety, or morals, consistent with ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138.