

A Dataset for SPAtial REasoning on Three-View Line Drawings


Spatial reasoning is an important component of human intelligence. We can imagine the shapes of 3D objects and reason about their spatial relations by merely looking at their three-view line drawings in 2D, with different levels of competence. Can deep networks be trained to perform spatial reasoning tasks? How can we measure their “spatial intelligence”? To answer these questions, we present the SPARE3D dataset. Based on cognitive science and psychometrics, SPARE3D contains three types of 2D-3D reasoning tasks on view consistency, camera pose, and shape generation, with increasing difficulty. We then design a method to automatically generate a large number of challenging questions with ground truth answers for each task. They are used to provide supervision for training our baseline models using state-of-the-art architectures like ResNet. Our experiments show that although convolutional networks have achieved superhuman performance in many visual learning tasks, their spatial reasoning performance in SPARE3D is almost equal to random guesses. We hope SPARE3D can stimulate new problem formulations and network designs for spatial reasoning to empower intelligent robots to operate effectively in the 3D world via 2D sensors.

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New York University
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3D Object Detection
Annotation Types
Bounding Boxes
Models using this dataset
Last updated on 
October 31, 2023
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