

The only artistic dataset you will ever need


OmniArt is an artistic dataset consisting of over 15 online artwork collections and user generated art uploaded on the internet. Covering a period from year 157 BCE (Before Common Era) to August 28th 2017 it contains more than 500 types of artworks attributed to over 36000 artists around the world. Additional meta-data contains but is not limited to style, school, Iconclass, color codes and pallets, materials, current location, real dimensions, techniques and more. All of the contained images are saved in their native form from the collection they originate and the accompanying metadata is preserved in a .json file with the same id. For every dataset entry there is a persistent metadata file which is cleaned and parsed so that integration in a machine learning project is faster. If an attribute is not known for a dataset entry, it is marked​ ​as​ ​unknown.The current skeleton dataset size 513 Gb and consists of .jpg images and .json metadata files. Additional collection specific meta-data, extracted features, quick sql immersion snippets and trained models are available in an additional 550 Gb archive upon request. Given the size of the dataset,​ ​we​ ​generate​ ​the​ ​download​ ​links​ ​upon​ ​request.Please keep in mind that even though this collection was moderated, it may still contain inconsistencies.

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Last updated on 
October 31, 2023
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