

A Multi-view RGB-D Operating Room Dataset for 2D and 3D Human Pose Estimation


To foster the development of human pose estimation methods and their applications in the Operating Room (OR), we release the Multi-View Operating Room (MVOR) dataset, the first public dataset recorded during real clinical interventions. It consists of synchronized multi-view frames recorded by three RGB-D cameras in a hybrid OR. It also includes the visual challenges present in such environments, such as occlusions and clutter. We provide camera calibration parameters, color and depth frames, human bounding boxes, and 2D/3D pose annotations.The MVOR dataset consists of 732 synchronized multi-view frames recorded by three RGB-D cameras in a hybrid OR. Each multi-view frame consists of three color and three depth images. The MVOR dataset was sampled from four days of recording in an interventional room at the University Hospital of Strasbourg during procedures such as vertebroplasty and lung biopsy. There are in total 4699 bounding boxes, 2926 2D keypoint annotations, and 1061 3D keypoint annotations.

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Human Pose Estimation
Annotation Types
Keypoint Skeleton
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Last updated on 
October 31, 2023
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