

First Color Event Camera Dataset


CED is the first Color Event Camera Dataset, featuring 50 minutes of footage with both color frames and color events from the Color-DAVIS346. Event cameras have several advantages over conventional cameras: high dynamic range, low latency and immunity to motion blur. We include sequences that showcase these attractive properties, such as high-speed, low-light etc. All the data are released as binary (rosbag) files.CED is grouped into six categories: Simple, Indoors, People, Driving, Calibration and Additional IR filter. We provide all datasets as binary rosbag files for use with the Robot Operating System (ROS). The format is the one used by the RPG DVS ROS driver. The rosbag files contain events using dvs_msgs/EventArray messages and images using standard sensor_msgs/Image message type. Each bag contains color image in two formats (1) image_raw, direct output of the camera without post-processing (recommended) and (2) image_color, RGB color image obtained via demosaicing followed by sRGB gamma correction (primarily intended for visualisation).

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University of zurich
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Last updated on 
October 31, 2023
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